June 2005 July 2005 Adventures in Italy: We're not in Kansas anymore

Monday, July 18, 2005

We're not in Kansas anymore

As I mentioned earlier, I delayed the trip to Venice this weekend, but I was up for traveling by Saturday. Michelle, Bonnie, and I all voyaged to the beautiful Lake Como...... and do we have the stories to go along with it!!

2 minutes before we left the flat, Michelle reminded us that we needed our passports for the hotel room. I soon realized that I could no longer find my passport..... I must have misplaced it. After 10 minutes of cursing under my breath, I gave up on looking for it, and grabbed my copy, because the copy will work for hotel rooms.

We got on our train just before it headed out, and traveled to Milan, where we had to change trains. We quickly ran to the next train and reminded ourselves that the stop for Como was supposed to be at 12:15.

At 11:45, our train rolls into a stop that simply says "Como". There are multiple train stations in Como, and since we were early, we assumed that it wasn't our stop. After the train started rolling again, we realized it WAS our stop. we panicked...... and just decided to get off at the next one.

The train stopped about 10 minutes later, and we grab our stuff and jump off the train. Before we know it, we're the only ones getting off the train, and some guy is chasing us down...... apparently this wasn't a stop, it was just a crew change. We're all laughing like crazy by now, and the conductor guy was really nice and just told us to follow the crew and they would take us to the station. We did as we were told, and found a train going back to Como.

As we were about to get on the train, we noticed that the guards were wearing different uniforms than we were used to seeing....... then, they asked to see our documents..... we soon realized that we accidentally crossed the border into Switzerland!!!! And guess who didn't have her passport! Luckily, we were just three confused american girls who just wanted to go to the lake, so they let us back on the train!

After all that commotion, we got to Como, and waited in line for a taxi. Casually, I asked Michelle about the hotel she booked for us. I soon gathered from her response that she didn't write down the address of our hotel. Hmmmmm.......!! After a long taxi ride, many questions, and ample frustration, we ended up calling her dad at 4am his time to get the address!

Once we got to the hotel, we were talking with the guy at the front desk, and we find out that he didn't get our online reservations. Of course he didn't..... that would make things too easy!! He fit us into 2 different rooms, that were pretty darn sketchy if I might add.

Eventually, we did make it to the lake, and it was gorgeous! It was the "lake version" of Capri. Bonnie and I hiked up this mountain in the Alps to a lighthouse, and then we went to the top of the lighthouse to get an amazing view (Michelle didn't make it). The hike was the most intense exercise I've had in a long time, and my butt is definitely feeling it today!! For those former Mt.Carmel track stars...... imagine an hour of "hill-sprint style" hiking - not one area of flat
trail my friends!!

Lake Como was beautiful, but it was definitely not the relaxing vacation that I expected. I'm getting kind of worn out lately because Bonnie and Michelle don't speak any Italian, and I have to do alot of the "not fun" part of the trip. I'm always the one to ask for directions, to ask about the train, and to tell them to stop being so American! :) (just kidding girls). Seriously though, if we get lost or we aren't prepared, I feel like it's all on me..... like I'm responsible for everyone. I know that this isn't true, but it stresses me out (naturally, for those who know me best).

I'm looking forward to my trip to Venice next weekend, but I'm also getting kind of sad about having to leave. This is my last week of school and my last week of Florence. Hopefully I can make the most of it!

Until next time!


Blogger Mark Sidarous said...

sounds like a CRAAAAAAAZY adventure, dude! so meet any hot italian studs yet? come home soon!

8:27 PM  
Blogger Valerie said...

mr. sidarous

let me tell you a little about the italian "studs" here......

my only experience with the smelly, short males from italian decent is that they can only say a limited number of phrases in english. these phrases are usually stated in order, however sometimes (2) and/or (3) are skipped:

1) ciao bella (to get your attention)

2) where you from? (to get you to talk to them)

3) what is your name and number (to show that they're interested)

4) let's go back to my place

6:12 AM  
Blogger Mark Sidarous said...

sounds even more like "real world italy"!

11:29 AM  

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