June 2005 July 2005 Adventures in Italy: June 2005

Adventures in Italy

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Italy - where the weather is hotter than the men

Alot has happened since I last wrote. I moved in with my host family last week. Titti and Flavio are a cute elderly couple with 2 daughters: Olivia and Gaia, both of which are in their 30s and live nearby. They also have a cat, Mozart, and an adorable, extremely old yorkie, Clarissa. Titti is very much a strong-willed Italian woman who frequently says "E' la MIA casa!" (It's MY house), and Flavio is just a jolly old man who likes to tease us. Neither of them speak English.

When I moved in, there were already 2 students living there: Ria (a Japanese girl student who speaks no english and very little italian) and Michel (a Mexican guy student who is fluent in Spanish, Italian, English, and French. It was nice just having the three of us, but the other students from my program arrived. I am 1 of 4 students studying with my school here, and we have all become the best of friends. Bonnie is a southern bell from GA, who doesn't speak Italian. Michelle is a southern princess from FL, who also doesn't speak Italian. They are extremely funny, and have dubbed me their mother since I always seem to be the one who knows what's going on. :) Trust me on this..... as hard as it is to believe..... they are more "princess" than I am. The other student living with us from my program is Lee, a somewhat arrogant frat boy who has been wearing the same outfit for a week now, because his luggage got lost! Although quite fond of himself, us girls are getting to be good friends with him, and bring him down to "our level" whenever possible.

As if there wasn't enough people in our flat, 5 other mexican guys arrived the other day, because they apparently lived there, but were on a trip to Rome. They speak Spanish all the time, and very little English. Also, a girl from Canada decided to join our flat because she was living with Titti and Flavio's daughter, but got lonely. That's right friends........ 12 STUDENTS IN 1 FLAT!! We call ourselves the U.N.

Just to add to the chaos of our flat, the local weather here has been in the high 90's for the past week. The other day, it actually topped at 113!! Also, we have no AC. That's right..... NO AC!! it's becoming more and more normal to see people in our household walking around with very little clothing on..... simply because we cannot breathe!

Well, I've got TONS of other stories to tell, but I'll have to save them for another time because my school is closing, and it's my only internet conn3ction. I love you all, and take care.


Friday, June 17, 2005


Hi friends!!

I thought this would be a nice way to keep in touch with everyone on my status in Italy. I leave next week, and I am sooooo excited!! Hopefully I'll get a chance to update a couple times a week, so you can see my pictures and hear fun stories. Keep tuning in!