June 2005 July 2005 Adventures in Italy: What I Learned In Italy

Thursday, July 21, 2005

What I Learned In Italy

-Pilgrims weren't involved with the 4th of July
-The plural of "Moose" isn't "Mooses" or "Meese"
-Leave your mark in Florence.... even if it means puking in front of the Duomo
-Foreign objects may be used for conception through the bellybutton (ex: Vino Liquor Fjord)
-Downy wrinkle release replaces doing laundry and bathing
-A cold glass of water is a cure-all


-Gelato 3x a day is a balanced diet

-A lateral "S" counts as a handicap
-Purchasing clothes prevents one from having to do laundry
-"My thighs don't touch"
-The word "couch" and the name "Peggy" can be used for sexual metaphors
-I always lose at the "Never have I..." game
-If it smells like poop.... check under the bed

-If you don't pop your collar, you're poor

-Amsterdam is a city, not a country

-Everyone hates Americans
-Nova Bar...... enough said
-No one else calls them "air bubbles in your throat"
-It's OK to make-out with strangers as long as they buy you drinks first
-Fabrizio is the only real Italian in Florence, and real Italians don't drive cheap scooters

-If all else fails, www.AskJeanetteAtTheFrontDesk.com


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